The Malaysia Network Operators Group (MyNOG) is an initiative to bring together network operators in Malaysia to encourage sharing of knowledge, learning and co-operation among fellow counterparts. It will provide a forum to discuss operational issues and technologies of interest to network operators in Malaysia. . This would augur well for the industry considering the push for broadband penetration which involves rapid growth and technology evolution. Although the main objective is educational, vendors would also be given a chance to get involved to share on newer technologies, but strictly keeping it to technology areas.
The focus of the group would cover the domain of IP, transmission, systems, security and emerging technologies. In conclusion, the long term target is to further improve the quality of Internet and other IP-based services in Malaysia and the region generally. Though the group is aimed at technical operators working for Service Providers active in Malaysia, but it is also open to anyone interested in furthering the MyNOG objectives. MyNOG would require no formal membership and consists of members on its mailing list.
- To provide a platform to facilitate and encourage peering & business relationships among local service providers.
- To foster industry relationship and provide insight into developments and growth trends within the domestic landscape. The event could be utilized by the local exchanges and regulators to share and get their messages across.
- Technology discussions. To provide local operators with access to the latest trends and leading edge technology directly from domestic/international subject matter experts/speakers.
- To provide a platform to advise and educate on operational best practices as every operator are part of bigger ecosystem of end-to-end connectivity.
- An opportunity for operators to compare experiences from on the job experiences for the greater good of the Internet. This would address the area from the perspective of supplier, operator and end user.
- The group intends to facilitate discussion among operators of networks in Malaysia on matters relevant to network operations, technology and planning. This would promote discussions on implementation issues that require community cooperation through coordination and cooperation among network service providers to ensure the stability of service to end users.
- Employment and networking opportunities.
- Keeping the Internet Working by the right people through the right way.
Target Audience
- Senior and Mid-level technical (operators & planning) staff of ISPs
- Network operators.
- Government, Regulators, NGO and Academic networks.
- Technical decision makers.
- Educators and trainers.
Organising Committee Members
MyNOG is runs by a group of passionate people from the industries, the Organising Committee Members are:-

Kanagaraj Krishna, MyNOG Chair
Programme Committee Members
The yearly Call for Papers submission is evaluated and curated by fellow programme committee members from the industries.
Past Contributors

Molly Cheam