MyNOG-9 Conference Speakers
Check out Conference Programme for more info.

Clarence Anslem
Solutions Architect
Clarence has over a decade of experience in helping customers build & evolve their next generation IP Core, Mobile backhaul, Data centre & Carrier Ethernet Infrastucture. He’s been involved in various stages of the project lifecycles from presales solutioning, Service Delivery, Design & Implementation & operations. He is currently a Solutions Architect with Intel’s Network Communications CTO office.
Introduction to Programmable Networks
Network devices like switches or routers are most commonly designed a bottom-up. The switch vendors that offer products to their clients usually rely on external chips from 3rd party silicon vendors. The chip is the heart of the system and in practice determines how device OS is realized and what functionality it can offer. Since the chip is a fixed-function unit and its internal packet processing pipeline cannot be easily reconfigured at runtime, adding a new feature set is a complex process that may take months. This is because a chip redesign is usually required. P4 & Programmable ASIC’S aims to break these barriers and enable innovation on networking devices similar to CPU’s, GPU’s, DSP’s in the computing ecosystem.

Melchior Aelmans
Juniper Networks
Consulting Engineer
Melchior Aelmans is a Chief Architect at Juniper Networks, where he has been working with many operators on the design and evolution of their networks. He has over 15 years of experience in various operations, engineering, and systems engineering positions with Cloud Providers, Data Centers and Service Providers. Melchior enjoys talking about routing protocols, routing security, internet routing and peering and datacenter routing. He also participates in IETF and RIPE and is a regular attendee at other conferences and meetings, is a board member at the NLNOG foundation and Program Committee member at NANOG.
Exploring Quantum Engineering for Networking
In this presentation we will review how already available quantum technology can help improve well known security mechanisms and protocols. Next we will explore how close (or far away) a quantum internet is and if it will even be fully quantum.

Shaowen Ma
Sr.Product Manager
Shaowen Ma is a Google Cloud Group Product Manager. where he works with major APAC customers, for cloud onboarding, Inter-connect, Peering and hybrid cloud infra for Edge computing. Recently he focused on High Performance Cloud network and Smartnic Cloud SDN Offload.
Cloud IPv6 Innovation
IPv6 adopted in Telco,Enterprise and Client network. Recently All major cloud provider support IPv6 VPC. in this session, we will introduce IPv6 VPC design with ULA and Dual NIC card. also will talk about IPv6 DNS/LB/Interconnect and IPv6 K8S network design.

Ts. Mohd Faizal Bin Abd Raup
Telekom Malaysia
Manager IP Network Assurance
Experienced network engineer for more than 15 years, to plan, formulate, operate and maintain the International network infrastructure. Together evolved with technology, start the career with the Frame-relay network, then goes to MPLS IP routing, and currently in the Next Generation Transport network operation. Move forward towards the better Internet environment and experience.
Latency Automation Service Enhancement Remedy (LASER)
Latency Automation Service Enhancement Remedy (LASER) is a system developed to monitor customer’s service performance. The key features of LASER are on the go alert notification, real-time latency monitoring and network script automation.

Katsuhiro Ohki
NTT Limited
Ohki joined NTT in 2014 after getting master’s degree from London University, School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Since 2014, He has devoted most of the time to global and internet business for NTT. Starting from NTT Communications’ Global IP Network (GIN) Customer engineering work in Japan, and then transferred to Hong Kong in 2015 to take care Product management and business plan for GIN. Now having the Responsibilities focused on supporting GIN sales and business development for the whole ASEAN region.
Edge Computing: NTT Offerings in Japan and Use Cases
Basic concepts of edge compute and introduction to some of the services that NTT offer in Japan with use cases.
Jamie Gillespie
Internet Security Specialist
Jamie Gillespie is an Internet Security Specialist at APNIC, providing security training, outreach, and development of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs), network operators, and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) across 56 economies in the Asia Pacific region. This directly supports APNIC’s vision of “A global, open, stable, and secure Internet”. When not travelling or delivering training, Jamie works across all internal teams to secure APNIC’s people, processes, and technology using administrative, technical, and physical controls. With over 25 years of IT experience, 21 of those dedicated to Information Security, Jamie started his IT career at the backbone Internet provider UUNET Canada before holding a range of information security roles at AusCERT, Google, and Macquarie Cloud Services. Jamie is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP). Jamie is an international presenter on an extensive range of topics including incident response, technical, physical, and management security, and has been interviewed for television, radio, internet, and print media.
Vulnerability Reporting Program on a Shoestring Budget
APNIC has been running a public Vulnerability Reporting Program (VRP) ( for just over a year now, where we have been inviting security researchers worldwide to responsibly report to us any vulnerabilities they find in our networks, servers, and services. This presentation will follow the VRP from its first concept, through creation and the first year of operations. We’ll look at what went well, and what improvements were made along the way. We’ll also review the vulnerabilities reported, and examine them based on when they were reported, their severity, and who reported the issues to us. We’ll then cover some lessons learned from this project, and what APNIC is doing next to improve external vulnerability management.
Vincent Boon
Sales Engineer
Vincent Boon has over 30 years of experience in the IT and networking industry, working with enterprise and data center customers within APJC. For the past 18 years, his focus has been in DCIM, Infrastructure Access and Power Solutions working with clients such as Smart Nation, HCL, FPT Telecom, Equinix and many more. Technology has always been a keen interest of Vincent’s and his previous roles within technology companies have involved him working closely with engineering teams in providing productive solutions to customers. He joined Opengear at the beginning of 2018 and brings his expertise to assist customers on next generation Out-of-Band solutions and Network Automation for managing critical IT and communications infrastructure.
Embarking on your NetOps Journey
A high level overview on how Network Operations within an Organization can adopt automation within their daily work.
Lim Kok Chen
Regional Sales Consultant
Kok Chen (KC) Lim is Regional Sales Consultant in Ciena. He based in Kuala Lumpur and he is part of the Ciena Asia Pacific Global Content Network (GCN) team. Prior to the current role, KC was in Solution Engineering Group and he has been involved in transport network solution design for over 10 years. KC holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc) from Multimedia University, Malaysia. He is currently member of Industry Advisory Panel for Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Data Center Hubs: Where to Next
Exabytes of content and cloud data being created everyday. A handful of major content and cloud service providers like Google, Meta (Facebook), Amazon, and Microsoft have by far become the dominant users of global communication network. Post pandemic, networks has become essential tools to support the work and life of hundreds of millions of users. The content and cloud traffic demands are having profound impacts on our network today and shaping the future of connectivity. In this session, we will discuss the market trend of data center hub.
Shahnaz Mohamad
Senior System Architect
Shahnaz Mohammad Zaki has 21 years of experience in the area of information and telecommunications industry. He has been working for companies such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise and now with Cisco Systems for the last 9 years. Apart from being a Systems Architect for service provider market in Malaysia, he is part of the Cisco’s Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) program advocating the 5G-as-a-Service (5GaaS) platform for enterprises in Malaysia. He also have worked on projects and developments with service providers in areas of virtualising network functions (NFV), SDN datacentre fabric and IP transport infrastructures.
Shahnaz is a local bachelor’s degree graduate from University Putra Malaysia in Information Systems, also earned professional certifications from Cisco and HP.
Routed Optical Networking
New architecture for the next 20 years. Fully converged L1, L2 and L3 into a single network. Replacing transponders with digital coherent optics. Removing functional overlaps. Reducing carbon footprint – increasing density.
Raja Akmal
X86 Network
Managing Director
Raja Akmal has over 15 years’ experience in network engineering, IP Core and Carrier Ethernet Network. Having involved in various roles from operation, presales, product & service delivery with both domestic and international service provider. He is the founder and Managing Director of X86 Network Sdn Bhd, a connectivity service provider with focus regional connectivity specifically on Data Center Interconnect (DCI), Dedicated Internet Access & Global Ethernet Services.
Data Centre Interconnect (DCI) with X86’s DCI Solution
Private cloud migration has created new network traffic flows. Companies previously mostly managed north-south traffic, information coming from outside the data centre or content being access from the internet hosted on the data centre. Now, data centre have more east-west traffic, data moving from one data centre system to another. Consequently, they need fewer external connections and more DCIs.
Lim Yu Jeen
Edge Centres
Country Manager
Yu Jeen Lim is a veteran IT systems analyst with a career spanning an array of executive and technical roles. This combination of technological expertise with business development experience and deep local knowledge makes him the perfect choice to lead Edge Centres’ expansion into the Malaysian market. Prior to joining Edge Centres in April 2022, Lim held a number of technology-focused business development roles at leading Malaysian and international organisations, including Ignite Asia, Accenture Technology Solutions and YTL Communications.
Enabling Compute On The Edge
Lum Cheng Fai
Enterprise Network Solution Architect
Cheng Fai is an Enterprise Network Solution Architect at Maxis for 5 years, designing and architecting Enterprise network solutions to support business requirement. He has over 17 years of experience in IP transport network with various roles on design, implementation and migration activities. Currently embarking on automation and machine learning journey towards the digitization era.
Maxis Programmable Network (MPN)
The Maxis Programmable Network (MPN) is the next evolution of our state-of-the-art, MEF3.0 certified network infrastructure, designed to give greater control and visibility in how an organization is connected.
CF Chui
Solutions Engineer
With more than 20 years of experience in the networking industry, CF is a veteran in designing, implementing, and supporting highly available network systems and solutions. In this current role with Kentik, CF works closely with customers in the Asia Pacific region to develop and optimize approaches for their network analytics solution to ensure optimal deployment and best customer satisfaction. Prior to joining Kentik, CF had held different regional positions in pre- and post-sales roles for various large core routing and switching vendors. His expertise lies mainly in the areas of Internet routing technology, network threat detection and network visibility solutions.
How to Prepare For a Peering Partner Business Review
Peering is more than just setting up sessions with any AS that will accept one. Peering can involve long-term relationships that require reviews and joint planning to grow synergy. A critical milestone in any peering relationship is the business review; and when it comes to business reviews, it’s all about preparation. Learn how Kentik can help you get ready to ace business reviews with peering partners.
Zen Chuan Ng
Internet Resource Analyst
Zen Ng is an Internet Resource Analyst in APNIC’s Member Services Team. With his specialized knowledge of APNIC policies and Internet resource management, Zen plays an important role in advising and assisting APNIC Members with their membership and Internet number resource queries. Zen also represents the Members Service Team at many community events to liaise with the Asia Pacific Internet community.
APNIC Updates: RPKI, what we’ve learned and what we’ve been doing
The aim of this presentation is to share what we have learned from RPKI, what improvements we have done, and what are the future improvements APNIC is going to make.
Raja Mohan Marappan
Operation Manager
Raja Mohan Marappan joined MyIX in 2010, when MyIX Association decided to engage a full time staff to manage the operations of the exchange. He is responsible for maintaining the network, capacity planning and implementing network projects for the growth of the exchange. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from University Sains Malaysia.
MyIX Updates
Dinesh Kummaran
Presales Lead
Dinesh leads the Presales team in Transcelestial currently. He is based in Singapore and has been part of Transcelestial for the past two years.He has been part of the sales team spearheading customer engineering and is now leading efforts for Transcelestial’s global business clientele. Dinesh has close to 20 years of experience in the telecommunications sector and has been in various key roles for different organizations. He has led the efforts to build the 3G/4G network in Singapore previously working for a leading mobile operator and then later taking on the Presales role for a leading wireless solutions provider where projects like smart city networks, high-speed mobile connectivity for trains, nomadic networks in mines, last mile backhaul and distribution for operators and ISPs were won in the region and delivered.
Solving Civilization’s Long Term Communication Needs
How do we improve connectivity globally? An intro to next-generation wireless laser communication technology offered by Transcelestial which is one of the most effective solutions in the distribution of high-quality, high-speed internet connectivity, making it well-poised to solve civilization’s long-term communication needs.
WOMEN@NOG Panel Discussion: Driving gender diversity and inclusivity by increasing the participation of women engineers via a sustainable growth environment
A panel discussion that will focus on attracting more women participation into the engineering profession. The invited panels come from different backgrounds to discuss on how to encourage women engineers to join the field of engineering; initiatives that are needed to sustain women engineers in their career; and providing help and support in managing community perception and expectation, while building a holistic support system that includes family, company, and colleagues to ensure work-life balance (it shouldn’t be a zero sum game).
Noraini Ayop (Moderator)
Regional Interconnection Manager
Noraini has more than 20 years’ total working experience, started from a team that responsible to build internet infrastructure in Malaysia. Currently managing interconnection connectivity to countries in Asia region for Microsoft.
Joanne Liew (Panel Member)
Interconnection Manager
Joanne Liew is an Interconnection Manager in Cloudflare. She is part of the team that looks into interconnection strategies that support Cloudflare’s global network reach to more than 270 cities and connections to more than 11,000 networks globally. Prior to Cloudflare, Joanne has about 10 years of experience working in two Malaysian ISPs – handling peering, caching and transit connections as well as new business development.
Ts. Dr Fizatul Aini binti Patakor (Panel Member)
Politeknik Merlimau Melaka (PMM)
Senior Lecturer
Fizatul Aini Patakor was born in Malaysia, in 1978. She received her bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (Power Electrical) from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia, in 2001, Master of Science in Occupational Safety and Health from the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), in 2008, and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia, in 2014. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at Politeknik Merlimau Melaka (PMM), Malaysia and her interest includes safety and health in engineering education, power electronic and drives control systems.
Ts. Amzari bin Ahmad Zainuddin (Panel Member)
Telekom Malaysia
Head of Core & Transport Consultant
Amzari as the Head of Core & Transport Consultant in Telekom Malaysia, is responsible in the design, development and expansion of TM Core IP and Optical network, overseeing more than 100 engineers and technicians. With his involvement as the MBOT panel assessor in Telecommunication & Broadcasting field, Amzari would be able to share some insights on the overall involvement by gender in TM and the industry as a whole.
Kam Sze Yeung (Panel Member)
Akamai Technologies
Principal Network Architect
Kams Yeung is a Principal Network Architect at Akamai Technologies, the world’s largest CDN. Kams has responsibilities primarily covering peering, routed interconnections and capacity planning. Kams is a 20-year veteran of the Internet industry and an international network engineering, operations and data center professional. He has served as an infrastructure team member during APRICOT-APAN 2011. Before Akamai, Kams was Product Manager at Equinix, and Senior Manager, IP Engineering at Pacnet. He’s a regular supporter of APRICOT, APNIC, APF, and other industry community gatherings.
Last update at 12th September 2022